Thursday, 15 December 2011


Well that was a close one! Tomorrow is hand in day, and although I can still submit things I'd like to have it on the blog just in case... To my surprise I noticed that I actually don't have the synopsis to the film on my blog. So here it is:

An old has-been mime works his daily routine boring his audience with his old moves and his failing body. When a new rookie mime turns up with his fresh face and starts stealing the old timer’s audience. This won’t fly with the old mime, so he starts to sabotage the rookie mime’s act. The rookie then retaliates and they argue and fight in a miming style with great finesse and skill, using invisible things and great miming to try and get one up over each other. Until it escalates so much that the audience think it’s all an act. The two draw a bigger crowd together and soon realise that they work better as a team than they ever did apart. The Rookie has given the Old Timer a new lease of life, whilst he helps the Rookie with his green moves.

Right! Back to piecing everything together I go! It's mayhem here I tell you.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Character Designs! - 03.11.11

For the sake of completionism I thought it best that I actually have the character designs for the film somewhere on my blog! So here are the original drawings that Rob did of the characts 'Oldie' and 'Rookie' the 2 main characters in the film.


Oldie will be drawn in 2D through the whole film (my job), which should be a lot of fun! Rob's job is the 3D side of things, including Rookie:

We have since done some more development sketches on each, which I'll show now too:

Some sketches of Rookie by me this time, we wanted to get a more final idea of what the character will look like, Rob wasn't happy with his design so I did some sketches:

I took some liberties with this one, thought it could be productive to try out a variation:

A sketch of Oldie I did, this one I did for some camera angle reference, it was for some help while we were doing our shooting script:

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Super Final Shooting Script - 26.10.11

As I slightly suspected things did indeed need changing once our teachers had a look at our 'final' shooting script. Thankfully they were only minor changes so most of them only needed a change of the camera shot type etc.

Here is the official FINAL SHOOTING SCRIPT! With the plan for each shot too:

WOW that was frustrating to do! My apologies for the massive vertical post, I had intended to put 2 or 3 of the plan images on a single line, but the blogspot interface makes it near impossible to do that... Also, wish the interface would stop adding random useless lines of html code, html is already a big enough pain to edit!

Anyway, that's our shooting script complete with plans for each page. In what I think is the most practical order for viewing... As I said, the plan images are small, to save space, and because the details are too small to see without full viewing anyway.

Let the storyboarding commence!