Tuesday 19 July 2011

The Line Look

Hello and greetings again! Thought I'd better get some blogging done as Robear is starting to make me look rather lazy.

Last year for my final project I chose to use a very simple looking 2D style in Flash, after seeing this animation I just had to give it a go! Despite it's simple style it's actually still very difficult to do, as you essentially need to draw each frame. The strength of this series is in the animation; the movement, and expressions are very well observed, and the simple style really helps to emphasize that.

Without further adieu, here are some of my favourite Simon's Cat animations which inspired me last year:

Cat Man Do:

TV Dinner:

This one is my favourite, i just love how well observed the cat's cheeky behaviour is! 

Hot Spot:

You can see with this one, that the actual drawing becomes a lot neater. The creator actually made the first Simon's Cats to learn to use Flash, 'Hot Spot' came a little later, when obviously he was getting better with the program.

Blog note: It's slightly annoying that you have to edit the html code to get the youtube videos to be larger than those silly tiny boxes. If you're wondering how to do it, it's quite simple: 

1. First, link your video as usual.
2. Go to the "Edit HTML" tab.
3. Find the chunk of text that represents said video (look for lines starting with <object class
4. Now find the section below it starting <embed width="320" height="266"
5. Now just change those numbers to how large you want the video, I use width="480" height="360", which is the size I would have expected them to link as... Alas, they don't.

See you the next time I see you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank God! Those puny little videos have really annoyed me, I'll be editing more HTML in the coming days :)
