As I slightly suspected things did indeed need changing once our teachers had a look at our 'final' shooting script. Thankfully they were only minor changes so most of them only needed a change of the camera shot type etc.
Here is the official FINAL SHOOTING SCRIPT! With the plan for each shot too:
WOW that was frustrating to do! My apologies for the massive vertical post, I had intended to put 2 or 3 of the plan images on a single line, but the blogspot interface makes it near impossible to do that... Also, wish the interface would stop adding random useless lines of html code, html is already a big enough pain to edit!
Anyway, that's our shooting script complete with plans for each page. In what I think is the most practical order for viewing... As I said, the plan images are small, to save space, and because the details are too small to see without full viewing anyway.
Let the storyboarding commence!