Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Super Final Shooting Script - 26.10.11

As I slightly suspected things did indeed need changing once our teachers had a look at our 'final' shooting script. Thankfully they were only minor changes so most of them only needed a change of the camera shot type etc.

Here is the official FINAL SHOOTING SCRIPT! With the plan for each shot too:

WOW that was frustrating to do! My apologies for the massive vertical post, I had intended to put 2 or 3 of the plan images on a single line, but the blogspot interface makes it near impossible to do that... Also, wish the interface would stop adding random useless lines of html code, html is already a big enough pain to edit!

Anyway, that's our shooting script complete with plans for each page. In what I think is the most practical order for viewing... As I said, the plan images are small, to save space, and because the details are too small to see without full viewing anyway.

Let the storyboarding commence!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

25.10.11 Update!

Just a quick status update today.

Today was a pretty big step forward for Rob and I in our project, we finally have our shooting script approved! All the shots are sorted, timed and have the SFX listed, and the plans / maps drawn! This means that I can finally get on with the storyboard and Rob can begin his modelling of Rookie! Good times!

Hand in is Dec 16th for this semester, which means we have 6 1/2 weeks left. We've said 3 or 4 weeks for the storyboard as we want fairly decent quality drawings, not just blocked in characters this time... 'Cause we're getting marked on every aspect of our film; synopsis, script, storyboard, animatic, research and the film itself, it's important that we don't slack on any aspect!

The final shooting script will be up tomorrow, along with all of the corresponding shot plans / maps.

I'm pretty happy with the stage we're at right now, it feels like we're comfortably on schedule, at least for this project...

Anyway it is late, bed time for me! Good night all!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Final Shooting Script! 19.10.11

Well today Rob and I spent a few hours finishing off our shooting script.

We've had the whole thing finished for some time now, but it was over 2 separate shooting scripts (that I uploaded here). It was pretty confusing to jump between the 2 scripts, so before we show it to our teachers we thought we'd better compile the whole thing into one finished shooting script.

We also neatened the layout out since we know where we are cutting and how many shots we have now. We added in the estimated shot times (estimates until we have our animatic done) and also the SFX needed for each shot. It looks a lot better now!

Overall our shot estimates came to 187 seconds, only 7 seconds over our allowance! We're hoping those 7 seconds can be squeezed out in the animatic, when we can see the effect of removing a few frames here and there. Rob and I are quietly optimistic that it will work out that way!

Until tomorrow, Matty out!