Saturday 24 September 2011

Mimemo Layout

After a fairly busy few days Rob and I have made some serious ground with our work. We really weren't very sure which project we would be working on.

Despite some very one-sided reviews we were until a few days ago, fairly determined to work on the alien idea. But after some tweaks to the mime idea, we're (me in particular) are seeing things more from our teacher's points of view.

It is now official... We are working on the mime idea! Which has yet to get a title... Suggestions are welcome!

The last few days have been pretty much spent writing and re-writing the synopsis (not as easy as it sounds), and then creating a basic plot breakdown. Script writing began today, literally minutes in... It dawned on us that we both had different images in our minds; and so began the discussions.

This particular discussion was regarding the whole setup of the scene. We both envisioned it in opposite directions: Rob saw the bridge in the center of the stage running away from the camera, I saw it running across, with the river running down the center.

Here is couple of sketches we were doing, you can even see our angry lines and arrows! To the right was how Rob imagined the film, the rest being how I thought it was going to be set out.

After quite a while of redrawing lines and bickering like an old married couple we decided for another drawing. Luckily Rob really liked this drawing, and after some discussion we realized a lot of the shots make a lot more sense set out this way. 

So with with that out of the way, we can get back to our script writing! Wish us luck!

Also, after thinking about the layout of the website, I'll be changing my labels yet again... With a development and research label for both my 3 minute and futures projects. Just to make things easier to follow for my teachers.

Matty out.

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