Thursday, 24 May 2012

Action Plan Research: Animated Shorts

With my soon to be abundant free time over the summer, I've been thinking about what I can do to help better my chances of getting a creative job when I get to Bath in September. 

It occurred to me, a great way to make sure that I keep my animating skills sharp is to create short films. After a year now, working on a traditionally animated film, I completely miss animating in Flash. Everything is just so much easier! Traditional animation is for masochists... It does have a unique look and feel to it, but man I'm going to need to be payed a LOT of money to ever do this to myself again...

I was thinking that I could spend some time over the summer, creating some funny shorts to upload to youtube and vimeo, as practice, and to add a little more variety to my showreel. 

I'm also very interested in creating my own music tracks for them, just simple tunes made with Garage Band or a similar program. Not having to worry about copyright would be great. Youtube also have a collection of copyright free songs that you can use on videos without having to worry.

I've had a few ideas for some shorts I'd like to do on Flash over the last few years, and now that I have some free time I might actually get chance to work on them. I do have a lot of other things to add to my portfolio so I still might not have enough time, but it's nice that it'll be a possibility.

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