Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Action Plan Research: Animation Portfolio

As I've made pretty clear in my action plan and in my previous posts, I'll be applying for graphic design and animation jobs with equal priorities... I don't know which I'd rather do, but I do know I'd like to do both. So either way is fine with me.

That said, my portfolio (limited as it is) has almost nothing to help get me into animation. Now I know that's what my showreel is for, and I'm very happy with it, but I feel that it's also important to have a strong traditional portfolio.

Trying to apply at large animation companies, or even small ones if they focus on 2D, is going to need a strong sketchbook and portfolio, just to show that you're capable of drawing not only humans, but objects and animals and everything in between, probably in various different styles too.

With that in mind, rather than spend my time mindlessly drawing over the summer in my fee time, which I often do, I'll have a goal in mind of only drawing if it will add to my portfolio's variety. I have lots of drawings of characters in lots of different styles and I'm confident in my ability to draw people, and I've gained a pretty strong sense of perspective and anatomy in the last few years while at uni.

What my portfolio needs, is to show companies that I can draw everything else too. So I'll be trying my best to get a lot of landscape, animal, and object drawings into my portfolio, and also some speed paints too, because from what I've read companies are always interested in what you're capable of as a concept artist too, who have to draw very very quickly.

It's also going to be important to keep creating short films (I mean very very short) and possibly more productive... Which I can add to my online channels to showcase my abilities.

Combined with building my graphic design portfolio I'm going to have a pretty busy summer!

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