4 Days to go!
Well, it's been pretty full throttle the last week for Rob and I, the light at the end of the tunnel draws ever closer... Having a slight crisis of motivation today, I just want to be done!
It's all going pretty alright though, almost all of the shots are keyframed, just the crowd left to do for 2 shots... That's reserved for this weekend. A few shots left to be inbetweened (3 I think), and about 8 left to be coloured.
I've broken down a to-do list for the last few days leading up to our deadline (which is the end of Monday) leaving 4 days, including today to get the last few things cleared off.
Basically it's worked out that Today, Tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday I have to finish keyframing / inbetweening a shot, and colouring a few others. It's a lot to do... The colouring takes longer than I had planned now that Oldie has quite a few more colours...
Oh, and I'm not sure that I mentioned Oldies new look, I know I mentioned he's no longer having stripes, his new look is similar to how he's been all along, his moustache is now a mid grey shade to match his hair and brows, and his sweater is a light grey, his skin and gloves are still white. Even though they're only flat colours, the additional detailing I have to do has more than doubled the colouring time per frame... But as I said, it's getting done.
Alas, I'd better get back to the endless grind of drawings... I can feel my soul dying! Just kidding...
...But I'm glad it'll be over soon.
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